Why Self Care Isn't Enough

In this post: The flawed concept of self-care, finding emotional support by exploring aromatic families, and how to practice being your own best friend. In this post: The flawed concept of self-care, finding emotional support by exploring aromatic families, and how to practice being your own best friend.

Why Self Care Isn't Enough
"F *** it " - The four "F"s of the stress response  & how aromatherapy can help

Have you heard of The M-Technique® ?

Learn about this holistic method of touch, used by Certified Aromatherapist Laura Stainer to provide rapid, deep relaxation. When I opened my aromatherapy practice in 2021, my initial intention was to create a 1:1 session with my clients that was unlike anything else they had experienced before. Being able to talk about mental health in a safe non-judgemental space and have custom aromatherapy blends lovingly and expertly hand-crafted for them to take home sounded like a good idea, and it was, except...

Have you heard of The M-Technique® ?
Personal Diffuser - The Absolute Must-Have Item for Emotional Support

Can Aromatherapy Help Anxiety???

Anxiety is a part of being human. You could no sooner eliminate it from your life than you could change your shoe size. Nor would you want to, because the reality is that anxiety works to keep you safe, and a sense of safety and security is a basic human need.

Can Aromatherapy Help Anxiety???

The Top 12 Essential Oils For Anxiety

I recently came across an exciting article that discussed the top 12 preferred oils used by Aromatherapists to treat emotional upset, anxiety and depression. Though I had my own notions on what I believe works "best", it was very interesting to read about positive outcomes in the experiences of other trained practitioners.

The Top 12 Essential Oils For Anxiety